About the Conference

" Pushing the frontier of growth through Innovation "

The ever-changing socio-economic landscape presents both opportunities and challenges. The recent pandemic has proven the need for businesses to adapt and implement innovative processes swiftly to survive and grow. Feeling the heat of business volatility due to the pandemic, companies like Airasia renewed their business model by scaling horizontally and vertically, using existing tools and technologies. The emergence of the Airasia ride, for example, facilitated new revenue channels, thus sustaining the business. Innovative business strategies and models enhance the existing value chains across the globe. In today’s environment, businesses with the capability to push the frontier of growth via innovation win the market.

This conference, entitled the “International Conference on Transformative Business Innovation 2022”, presents opportunities for academics and industry practitioners to share knowledge and insights on the best practices of business innovation that sustain a business. Organised by both the AIMS and UoC, the conference offers a platform for exchanging and creating the body of knowledge and applied practices. Scholars are anticipated to join hands and have an exciting knowledge exchange, leading to high-quality publications.

Acharya Institute of Management & Science (AIMS)

Acharya Institute of Management & Science (AIMS) was established in 1994 and offers many undergraduate and postgraduate programs. With more than 2000 students, AIMS has been consistently ranked as one of the best private B-Schools in the country. AIMS is accredited by NAAC and IACBE, USA, the International Accreditation Council for Business Education. AIMS has been rated the best college for Entrepreneurship Education in India. The School of Hospitality and Tourism has also been ranked among the best in the country, and the graduates are widely accepted by leading chains in India and abroad.

University of Cyberjaya

University of Cyberjaya (UoC) is a top-tier university in Malaysia, as reflected in the latest Ministry of Higher Education's SETARA ratings which have accorded UoC a 5-star (Excellent) rating on par with leading public universities. It was established in 2005 and is located in Cyberjaya, Malaysia's first smart city, on a 5-acre, modern, fully equipped, green-friendly campus. The campus is surrounded by lush greeneries and provides a serene, conducive environment for student living and learning. With more than 4,000 enrolled students, the university offers more than 40 programmes ranging from degree to postgraduate research courses in areas such as medicine, pharmaceutical sciences, psychology, homoeopathic medical sciences, physiotherapy, occupational safety and health, biomedical engineering technology, paramedical sciences, business administration and information technology.

Participants will be presenting papers in the following (not exclusive) field:

Digital Marketing

Financial Technology

Talent Management

Organisational Infostructure

Big Data

Knowledge Management

Logistics and supply chain


Digital economy

Circular economy


Any others

Important Dates
Abstract Submission Acceptance Notification Author Registration Full Paper Submission Conference Date
25 July 2022 28 July 2022 30 July 2022 12 August 2022 27 August 2022

Abstract Submission Guidelines

The Abstract should be prepared in the following format:

1. Title of the paper – ALL CAPITAL, BOLD and Centered

2. Names of Author(s) : First author’s First Name, First Author Last Name; Second author’s First name, second author’s Last Name; and so on

3. Name of the university or place of work: Department, Organization, Country

4. Contact details of the Author(s): email addresses: Academic/Private

5. Body of the abstract: Comprising of a brief introduction of the core issue as well as the problem statement, the objective of the study, the method employed, the findings and the conclusion made.

6. Keywords: Three to four words (3-4 words) and Italicised

7. Presentation preference: Full conference paper/In Absentia/Students

8. Text : Font & size : Times New Roman font, Size 12, Single paragraph

9. Line Space : Single space

10. Word count: 300 words excluding Title, names and keywords

Full Paper Submission Guidelines

● All references must follow the APA style.

● The length of the full paper should not be more than 5,000 words (not more than A4 size 15 pages)

● Authors must submit the Article/Research paper/Case study as an attachment only to conference.dibmt@gmail.com

● All the papers will be double-blind reviewed and subject to a plagiarism check before being sent for a review process. Selected papers will be published post-conference in Scopus /Web of Science/Peer Reviewed/Referred/Edited book with ISBN Number based on the recommendation of the Research Review Committee.


Chief Patron

Dr. Kiran G Reddy

Founder Principal, AIMS Institutes, Bengaluru.

Prof Dato' Dr Mohamad Abdul Razak

Vice Chancellor, University of Cyberjaya.


Dr. Priyananadan Reddy

COO, AIMS Institutes, Bengaluru

Ms. Roja Reddy

Director, UG Education, AIMS Institutes, Bengaluru

Prof Dr Mudiarasan Kuppusamy

University of Cyberjaya

Advisory Committee

Prof. Govinda Sharma

External Advisory Member

Dr. Muralidhar S

External Advisory Member

Dr. R G Saha

External Advisory Member

Dr. R Jaya Prakash Reddy

Registrar, AIMS Institutes, Bengaluru

Dr. Karunakara Reddy

Program Director, M,Com, School of Commerce and Finance, AIMS Institutes, Bengaluru

Dr. Ramesh Aiyer

Associate Dean, School of Business, AIMS Institutes, Bengaluru

Dr. Vijay Bhasker

Professor, School of Business, AIMS Institutes, Bengaluru

Dr. Sashi Kanth Reddy

Program Director, School of IT, AIMS Institutes, Bengaluru

Dr Maniyarasi G.

University of Cyberjaya

Dr. Kyra Law

University of Cyberjaya

Conference Chairpersons

Dr. BM Rama Murthy

UG Principal, AIMS Institutes, Bengaluru.

Prof Dr Mudiarasan Kuppusamy

Dean, Faculty of Business & Technology, University of Cyberjaya

Conference Co-Convenors

Dr. Ravi V

Program Manager, B.Com, School of Commerce and Finance, AIMS Institutes, Bengaluru

Prof. Pallavi

Program Manager, BBA, School of Business, AIMS Institutes, Bengaluru

Prof. Sanjana

Program Manager, BBA Aviation, School of Business, AIMS Institutes, Bengaluru

Contact Us

Prof Dr Mudiarasan Kuppusamy

E-mail: drarasan@cyberjaya.edu.my

Mobile: +6017 315 0505

Dr. BM Rama Murthy

E-mail:  ugprincipal@theaims.ac.in

Mobile: +91 9740583094

Dr. Haritha

E-mail:  haritha.m@theaims.ac.in

Mobile: +91 8792538162