We are calling for abstracts for oral paper presentations. Please click the following icon to register and complete the form.
Abstract Guideline
Author guideline:
Prior to submission, please read the following guideline.
Abstract Guideline
The Abstract should be an informative synopsis/summary of your manuscript.
All abstracts for original articles should follow the structured format; with the heading of Introduction, Methods, Results and Conclusion. The word count should not exceed 250 words.
Abstract for Case Series should follow the structured format; with the heading of Introduction, Case Series and Conclusion. The word count should not exceed 250 words.
Abstract for Short Communications, Review article, Commentary and Case report should follow the unstructured format. No need to divide the abstract to different sections. The word count should not exceed 150 words.
Below the abstract, provide a maximum of 5 keywords that will assist in the cross-indexing of the article.
Check and confirm that the keywords are the most relevant terms found in the title or the Abstract, should be listed in the medical subject headings (MeSH) list of Index Medicus found in http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/meshhome.html
Please find the guideline for full paper submission HERE
Presentation Guideline
Presentation guidelines:
Oral Presentation (Hybrid/ Virtual)
For virtual presentation, the presenters will present their research online through a video conferencing app (Webex, Microsoft teams, Zoom, etc.) to be decided by the organisers.
The details of the app (or venue for hybrid presentation) and schedule for the virtual presentation will be informed to the participants one week before the event day.
The time allocated for each presenter is 15 minutes (10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A session).
Poster Presentation
Posters will be displayed online, on the colloquium website during the colloquium day.
o Title
o Introduction – Research background, objectives and hypothesis.
o Methods – Describe the protocols utilised in the study.
o Results – The results of the study appear here, illustrated by tables and figures. It should be easy to read.
o Conclusion and discussion– Interpret the results. Discuss the findings and suggestions for further studies.
Font should be roughly the same size as in the Poster Template provided on the website.